Lame Lawsuits
A recovering drug addict in Canada is suing the dealer who allegedly sold her a near-fatal dose of crystal meth. She and her parents are seeking more than $50,000 , plus medical expenses on behalf of the Canadian health-care system.
She had been clean for eight months when she says he used the drug in front of her - causing her to relapse two days before she was scheduled to testify in a sexual assault case.
"I knew my dealer all my life. He was a predator and he manipulated me."
Kinda makes ya wonder why she wanted to keep hanging out, dont it? She even admits she's known the guy since kindergarten. Somewhere during those 15 years or so she might have gotten a clue about him.
He allegedly left her in the throes of an overdose in his home for eight hours without seeking medical assistance.
This isn't a cool thing to do. I'm just not sure that compassion and concern for the well being of others is a concern in the life of a dealer. She made that rather obvious when she called him a manipulative predator. Besides, can't he blame the guy who sold it to him and say he was simply too drug induced to give a shit about her condition? Where is the dealer who sold to the dealer? Should he not be accountable as well? Where does this end? Where does anyone take personal responsibility?
Sort of reminds me of the days when the smokers were suing the tobacco company and the fat people suing McDonalds. Give me a break.
The suit also names the dealers grandmother for allowing her grandson to sell from her home.
The 21-year-old was in a coma for 10 days, and was left with permanent physical ailments in her heart, kidneys and lungs. She came out of the coma with a heart that functions at half the level it used to.
Does this really surprise anyone??? Can she honestly say after being through DRUG REHAB that she was clueless that meth caused heart, liver and kidney problems? Did she miss the class where it was explained that drugs arent always clean and drug dealers aren't always nice?
"The hardest thing to adjust to was being 19 years old and full of energy when all this happened, then waking up on my 20th birthday and feeling like I was 60 years old. I get worn out very fast. In my mind, I think I can do things, but my heart shuts me down."
Kinda like being high. On meth you think you can do things. The concrete slab at the bottom of the building you just tried to fly off of may be what's stopping your heart rather than the overdose.
The suit is reportedly the first of its kind in Canada, though several drug users in the United States have won liability damages from drug dealers under similar circumstances.
Big surprise, eh?
But apparently for lesser offenses - read on:
During a night out at a local bar a woman took the "Stoplight Challenge." Like the colors of its traffic-signal namesake, the drink contained red, yellow and green alcoholic beverages. According to patrons, if the drinker remained standing and did not vomit within 30 minutes, he or she won a prize.
There should have been some indication that this was not a good plan. Part of the game is "IF YOU CAN STILL STAND" ..... clearly indicating that alot of people DON'T. I
The (5'7" 273-pound) 31-year-old woman did not feel so well after the drinking game, and passed out in the car on the way home. Her mother got her inside the house, but the next morning found her dead. An autopsy showed her blood alcohol was .39.
The bartender (and owner) who mixed the concoction was charged with involuntary manslaughter in her death.
Perhaps mom should be sued by the bartender for dragging her daughter's lifeless body into the house and not making her vomit. If you can force someone to drink you can surely force them to vomit, right? By not making her vomit and by not calling paramedics, mom allowed the daughter to die ..... thus passing the responsibility on to to the bartender. I would be pissed. I would sue her.
This crime occurred in Kansas. In Kansas it is a crime to hold drinking games in a bar.
It never occurred to me that I could sue the bartender for all the times I ralphed out the window or on the floormats and had to wash my car. Or for the time that I got arrested for a DUI! That cost me a ton of money. And to think all of those costs could have been recovered by suing the bartender. I wonder if the statute of limitations has expired on that....hmm.
The strangest part about this suit is that they actually listed the recipie for this "deadly concoction" with the news article. I wonder if I could mix it up for the ex.... then sue the news station for giving me the recipie. Shit, then his wife could probably sue me for making him drink it. Damn. I thought I had a get rich quick scheme going for a minute.
I would have listed the ingredients here for you to try at home, but you'd be much better off suing your bartender.
She had been clean for eight months when she says he used the drug in front of her - causing her to relapse two days before she was scheduled to testify in a sexual assault case.
"I knew my dealer all my life. He was a predator and he manipulated me."
Kinda makes ya wonder why she wanted to keep hanging out, dont it? She even admits she's known the guy since kindergarten. Somewhere during those 15 years or so she might have gotten a clue about him.
He allegedly left her in the throes of an overdose in his home for eight hours without seeking medical assistance.
This isn't a cool thing to do. I'm just not sure that compassion and concern for the well being of others is a concern in the life of a dealer. She made that rather obvious when she called him a manipulative predator. Besides, can't he blame the guy who sold it to him and say he was simply too drug induced to give a shit about her condition? Where is the dealer who sold to the dealer? Should he not be accountable as well? Where does this end? Where does anyone take personal responsibility?
Sort of reminds me of the days when the smokers were suing the tobacco company and the fat people suing McDonalds. Give me a break.
The suit also names the dealers grandmother for allowing her grandson to sell from her home.
The 21-year-old was in a coma for 10 days, and was left with permanent physical ailments in her heart, kidneys and lungs. She came out of the coma with a heart that functions at half the level it used to.
Does this really surprise anyone??? Can she honestly say after being through DRUG REHAB that she was clueless that meth caused heart, liver and kidney problems? Did she miss the class where it was explained that drugs arent always clean and drug dealers aren't always nice?
"The hardest thing to adjust to was being 19 years old and full of energy when all this happened, then waking up on my 20th birthday and feeling like I was 60 years old. I get worn out very fast. In my mind, I think I can do things, but my heart shuts me down."
Kinda like being high. On meth you think you can do things. The concrete slab at the bottom of the building you just tried to fly off of may be what's stopping your heart rather than the overdose.
The suit is reportedly the first of its kind in Canada, though several drug users in the United States have won liability damages from drug dealers under similar circumstances.
Big surprise, eh?
But apparently for lesser offenses - read on:
During a night out at a local bar a woman took the "Stoplight Challenge." Like the colors of its traffic-signal namesake, the drink contained red, yellow and green alcoholic beverages. According to patrons, if the drinker remained standing and did not vomit within 30 minutes, he or she won a prize.
There should have been some indication that this was not a good plan. Part of the game is "IF YOU CAN STILL STAND" ..... clearly indicating that alot of people DON'T. I
The (5'7" 273-pound) 31-year-old woman did not feel so well after the drinking game, and passed out in the car on the way home. Her mother got her inside the house, but the next morning found her dead. An autopsy showed her blood alcohol was .39.
The bartender (and owner) who mixed the concoction was charged with involuntary manslaughter in her death.
Perhaps mom should be sued by the bartender for dragging her daughter's lifeless body into the house and not making her vomit. If you can force someone to drink you can surely force them to vomit, right? By not making her vomit and by not calling paramedics, mom allowed the daughter to die ..... thus passing the responsibility on to to the bartender. I would be pissed. I would sue her.
This crime occurred in Kansas. In Kansas it is a crime to hold drinking games in a bar.
It never occurred to me that I could sue the bartender for all the times I ralphed out the window or on the floormats and had to wash my car. Or for the time that I got arrested for a DUI! That cost me a ton of money. And to think all of those costs could have been recovered by suing the bartender. I wonder if the statute of limitations has expired on that....hmm.
The strangest part about this suit is that they actually listed the recipie for this "deadly concoction" with the news article. I wonder if I could mix it up for the ex.... then sue the news station for giving me the recipie. Shit, then his wife could probably sue me for making him drink it. Damn. I thought I had a get rich quick scheme going for a minute.
I would have listed the ingredients here for you to try at home, but you'd be much better off suing your bartender.
That girl is an idiot! Who expects dealers to be compassionate? She lucky she's still alive on 2 counts: 1) cuz she used meth again 2) that this dealer hasn't had her killed!
those are unbelievable stories. some people!
That's the biggest load of crapp I've ever heard. Next you'll be trying to sue God for skin cancer...
My friend and I used to mix a shot of every liquor from the liquor cabinet (about 15 bottles). We'd stir in a whole packet of orange Jell-O, you know, for taste. The race was to see who could A) get it down, Jell-O powder and all, fastest and B) see who could keep it down longest. I always won...or maybe lost??? I'm suing Jell-O!
squid you crack me up. Yeah there were a lot of high school drinking games, but who would have thought? I could've been rich-well you can't get any money from bars in T.J.
Sarcasm Squid, sarcasm. I didnt even sue the police officer who gave me two black eyes, and an attorney begged me to. Not the suing kind, shit happens.
Blondzilla - the US loves frivolous suits, but I had to include Canada so we dont look too bad, eh?
I would much rather drink beer and watch hockey than go to court....or really do anything else. ; )
Sarcasm? What's that?
i hereby name the aforementioned "petitioners" the "Incredibly Stupid and Dumb Beyond Belief Award"
nuff said.
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