The Dating Scene
I was never really into the dating scene. I have an endless list of why's for this choice. I do, however, have a profile on several of the dating sites. That was more out of a curiosity than a true desire to meet anyone. What is out there? What are people looking for? What am I looking for?
I receive profiles in my email of men that match what I'm supposedly looking for. I still view them on occasion. Not because I am looking for a trade in model, but because I get bored and am often still curious. I have not responded to any of the emails I have received, I've never been neither desperate nor had the money to actually pay the internet to find me a date. However, some of the male profiles are quite interesting or just plain humorous - Like this one:
This guy actually has the AUDACITY to not only be picky about what he is looking for, but posts "SORRY, NO FAT GIRLS!"
You would have to be suicidal to be a skinny chick wallering around the bedsheets with a fella this size. He also posts that he is carrying "A few extra pounds." Sorry bud, but you fall into the enormous category, buy a mirror.
I've never been attracted to fat guys. Although I have to say that a guy with an actual "few extra pounds" is better than the stick man who makes ME feel enormous. I'm in love with Vin Diesel, his bald shiny head, his arms, his thighs. He's like the icon of sexiness to me. (pardon me while I grab my tissue and wipe the drool) There's also the bald guy on Jerry Springer.....Steve. I'm not a big fan of the show, but I do watch it jsut to see if I can get a glimpse of him. If he were to host the show I would likely tape it and keep it forever in the box with my vibra.....never mind.
Anyway, what ever happened to truth in advertising. If this guy wanted to try to con someone into thinking a backstreet boy was "a few extra pounds" he should not have posted the above picture of some fat guy. Yuk to him, and good luck chubby.
I receive profiles in my email of men that match what I'm supposedly looking for. I still view them on occasion. Not because I am looking for a trade in model, but because I get bored and am often still curious. I have not responded to any of the emails I have received, I've never been neither desperate nor had the money to actually pay the internet to find me a date. However, some of the male profiles are quite interesting or just plain humorous - Like this one:

You would have to be suicidal to be a skinny chick wallering around the bedsheets with a fella this size. He also posts that he is carrying "A few extra pounds." Sorry bud, but you fall into the enormous category, buy a mirror.
I've never been attracted to fat guys. Although I have to say that a guy with an actual "few extra pounds" is better than the stick man who makes ME feel enormous. I'm in love with Vin Diesel, his bald shiny head, his arms, his thighs. He's like the icon of sexiness to me. (pardon me while I grab my tissue and wipe the drool) There's also the bald guy on Jerry Springer.....Steve. I'm not a big fan of the show, but I do watch it jsut to see if I can get a glimpse of him. If he were to host the show I would likely tape it and keep it forever in the box with my vibra.....never mind.
Anyway, what ever happened to truth in advertising. If this guy wanted to try to con someone into thinking a backstreet boy was "a few extra pounds" he should not have posted the above picture of some fat guy. Yuk to him, and good luck chubby.
Good post!
Oh, I have been on the sites as well, and I actually was pissed off from some guy on EH that did not have his picture posted, then in his list of his "must haves and can't stands" he said that he must have someone who is physcially fit and cannot stand fat people...fine, that is rude, but to each their then HIS picture gets posted and he is not only FAT but looks very unkept. It was so upsetting to me that HE would have the balls to do that, that I immediatly closed communication with him and wished that I could have put the reason why on there as "Because he is an a$$hole"
Why go "coach" when you can fly wide-body? You never know, maybe you might enjoy having to get a running start to knock the belly fat out of the way so you can experience a few nanoseconds of pleasure before the wave of fat rolls back and knocks you off. With the lights out, this man too could be Steve...
How funny to meet someone from Baltimore. Thats my main reason for NOT DATING. Moved to Baltimore to be with a guy I met on line. Turns out he was a "touch" psycho like this guys a "little chubby".
Squid, Oddly enough I think he thinks he is Steve, thus the arrogance and blindness about his own appearance. I have no desire to "ride the waves" or find the shrimp.
He looks like a marshmallow stuffed in those clothes.
I think the bald guy on Springer is HOT too! (especially in those Levis woohoo)
WTF? is he kidding? oh i guess he must have one of them "trick mirrors" where this hump think he's the "Marlboro Man" LMAO
he has the balls (yeah right, they're lost beneath that mail-pouch of a belly) to say "no fat chicks"?
talk about delusional....good gawd...
BTW - Steve is phyyy-yyine especially in that tight muscle shirt and jeans *drooling* oops, sorry *wipes drool from GnG's comment box*
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