Adventures in Dodging Bullets
I live in a beautiful place. I didn't always know that. Born and raised in Montana people always told me what a wonderful, beautiful, special place Montana is but I never truly saw it. We camped and fished growing up, never traveling to very many places that didnt look similar.
At a rather idiotic period in my life I moved. Before the move I clearly remember people telling me that I was crazy. Life here is plain and simple.....and boring I thought. What an adventure to move beyond what is simple and care free!
In my genius state I moved to Baltimore. What a drastic lifestyle change. Millions of people crammed onto a little dot on the map. What was I thinking?
It didnt take me long to realize that adventure is none of the following:
Being late every day for work, regardless of when you leave home, because there is some sort of traffic jam or a terrible accident that the locals so lovingly refer to as a "car-b-que".
Walking the beach holding hands with someone you love during a sunset is neither romantic nor adventurous when you have to share the moment with the other half million people that had the same idea on the same day you did.
Adventure is not being warned by your neighbor to go outside in groups to stay safe.
Adventure is not hearing gun-fire in your apartment complex at 3 am and being told by neighbors the next day that it was "just a drive by."
Adventure is not encountering in your stairwell a bug large enough to saddle up and ride to work!
Adventure is not having a flat tire on the interstate and watching cars pass you by for hours without anyone offering assistance.
Adventure is not being educated by your crack addicted neighbor about every item under the sun that she needs to "borrow $10" for.
Adventure is not having to tell your kids to make sure all 6 deadbolts on the door are locked and to stay inside until you get home from work.
Living here is a true adventure. Children are safe to ride their bikes to and from school. They can play safely outside out of your earshot. My neighbors won't come in and steal me blind if I forget to lock my door. Instead, they come lock the door and shut if if we forget to on our way out. The kids are safe to roam the toy isle in the store. They no longer have to be attached to my hip. They are safe to be kids and to live carefree.....and that's an adventure.
Love a rural state! I moved back to Maine to get my children through school safely. It worked and now they're doing the same!
I was born and raised in Montana, and went to college there as well (go cats!). I moved to LA after college, and now every time I go back, it seems to get more and more beautiful. I'm truly jealous of people that can find jobs there, and respect my parents for allowing me to grow up there.
When I moved my position didnt earn me any more there than here, so in that area it was an additional bonus to move back. Granted the job market is much tighter, but you won't catch me in a traffic jam that will keep me from home for more than a half an hour....ever. And it takes 5 minnutes to get to the store whereas where I was before it was an hour to go anywhere.
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