Brady Bunch We Arent
School has started and I am one happy camper. I love routines, at least in the beginning. No more bored children to try to pacify and no more children wanting to stay up all night and have friends over and drive me crazy because I just want to sleep. Ahh, a peaceful house.
The one ritual I missed for myself during summer break was lunch with my mom. Ya just cant beat a home cooked lunch .... free. Along with this ritual comes the family gossip.
Last Friday I was feeling sociable. This feeling hasnt been around for months, in fact I have almost been paralyzed to my home, refusing any sort of social outing or friends over at all. I was more excited that I wanted to do something than I was at the prospect of actually doing anything. So I started making calls. I thought it would be fun to go karaoke with my brother and sister and their other half's.
I called my sister. She was being vague on the phone, no direct answer and I asked her to just point blank tell me what was going on. They were waiting for "something." Your drug dealer? I asked. Yes, he was supposed to be delivering mushrooms. WTF? She had been wanting to try them for some time and finally was about to get her hands planted on some and wasnt leaving the house until she did. Wow, I was a bit surprised and worried. She has health problems too numerous to mention, but some being dialysis, a weak heart, and taking several anti psychotic drugs. I still cannot imagine what stupidity drew her to think that was a great idea. She's paranoid as it is and apparently wants to add to that.
So I called big brother. He was interested in going and asked if I had talked to my sister (she's the one who sings when we go, the rest of us just drink, dance and yakkk) I told him of her plans, half knowing the info would get back to mom. It was all me though. Silly sister had gone over to big mouth brothers house to try to get them from him. I wonder if she thought he wouldnt tell on her. Sheesh. He revels in someone elses bad behavior.
So today during lunch she told me that she had confronted my sister about her stupidity. Mind you, my mother pays her and her husbands bills while the two of them smoke pounds of pot and now are getting into more things. She has always done the same thing for my brother.
It's ridiculous really when you think about it but thats the way my family operates. Not to mention that one person will immediately get on the horn with mom to share in what another is doing. Itry to stay out of it, or when Im feeling passive aggressive I tell the biggest loud mouth in the family to get the job done. If I really wanted to talk to someone about something it sure as hell wouldnt be any of them.
Sometimes it's nice to have the spotlight off of me. Im not the only one in the family with problems but I often feel singled out because my drug of choice, when I opt to medicate myself, is beer and not pot or hallucinogenics. When things are calm in the family I am the focus because I "live in sin" and should marry. It's always me and what Ive done or havent done. Im the only one with a job, supporting 3 kids, the only one who doesnt require my moms assistant to go to the doctor or take a shit.
I cant say Im not worried about her. She's a 26-year old with the mind of a 15 year old most of the time. Just didnt quite ever mature even after she got married. Which is exactly why I know that telling her drugs are bad for her is futile. I can only pray that nothing bad happens and that she gets her head out of her ass before something terrible happens.
The one ritual I missed for myself during summer break was lunch with my mom. Ya just cant beat a home cooked lunch .... free. Along with this ritual comes the family gossip.
Last Friday I was feeling sociable. This feeling hasnt been around for months, in fact I have almost been paralyzed to my home, refusing any sort of social outing or friends over at all. I was more excited that I wanted to do something than I was at the prospect of actually doing anything. So I started making calls. I thought it would be fun to go karaoke with my brother and sister and their other half's.
I called my sister. She was being vague on the phone, no direct answer and I asked her to just point blank tell me what was going on. They were waiting for "something." Your drug dealer? I asked. Yes, he was supposed to be delivering mushrooms. WTF? She had been wanting to try them for some time and finally was about to get her hands planted on some and wasnt leaving the house until she did. Wow, I was a bit surprised and worried. She has health problems too numerous to mention, but some being dialysis, a weak heart, and taking several anti psychotic drugs. I still cannot imagine what stupidity drew her to think that was a great idea. She's paranoid as it is and apparently wants to add to that.
So I called big brother. He was interested in going and asked if I had talked to my sister (she's the one who sings when we go, the rest of us just drink, dance and yakkk) I told him of her plans, half knowing the info would get back to mom. It was all me though. Silly sister had gone over to big mouth brothers house to try to get them from him. I wonder if she thought he wouldnt tell on her. Sheesh. He revels in someone elses bad behavior.
So today during lunch she told me that she had confronted my sister about her stupidity. Mind you, my mother pays her and her husbands bills while the two of them smoke pounds of pot and now are getting into more things. She has always done the same thing for my brother.
It's ridiculous really when you think about it but thats the way my family operates. Not to mention that one person will immediately get on the horn with mom to share in what another is doing. Itry to stay out of it, or when Im feeling passive aggressive I tell the biggest loud mouth in the family to get the job done. If I really wanted to talk to someone about something it sure as hell wouldnt be any of them.
Sometimes it's nice to have the spotlight off of me. Im not the only one in the family with problems but I often feel singled out because my drug of choice, when I opt to medicate myself, is beer and not pot or hallucinogenics. When things are calm in the family I am the focus because I "live in sin" and should marry. It's always me and what Ive done or havent done. Im the only one with a job, supporting 3 kids, the only one who doesnt require my moms assistant to go to the doctor or take a shit.
I cant say Im not worried about her. She's a 26-year old with the mind of a 15 year old most of the time. Just didnt quite ever mature even after she got married. Which is exactly why I know that telling her drugs are bad for her is futile. I can only pray that nothing bad happens and that she gets her head out of her ass before something terrible happens.
When it comes to the Brady Bunch, which my family was, right down to the blue station wagon, I was Cindy. Go figure.
I "did some field research" on mushroom once (for about 12 ounces - I mean a few months - I mean a friend of mine did, ya that's it) and can assure you that they're pretty harmless unless you eat more than 21 grams in one sitting. Don't ask me how I know. It is, as I've heard, damn hard to scrub all the "spots" off the kitchen cabinets while trippin'. Again, I wouldn't know; It's just what I've heard...
lol squid, thank you again for your
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