Imbalanced Normal
I recently read a commnet on a blog about how offensive, crass or otherwise ignorant "normals" can sometimes be to those of us who have been diagnosed with a mental illness. I wondered at that time what a "normal" would be. Anyone looking at me would not know what my diagnosis is or that I have even sought mental health. Only those close to me know and my family can attest to the fact that I am more responsible than most "normals," and the parts of my life that seemingly crumble are parts that the public in general would never know about. I successfully hold down a full time job, raise 3 girls by myself, mow my lawn, clean my house.....all the things "normals do." (smile)
Today I ran this article and while it still left me wondering if I know anyone "normal" it was a decent read.
I also ran across an article about depression. Is it a chemical imbalance as we have been told. Or is that simply another way of softening the blow for those of us suffering from disorders.
Today I ran this article and while it still left me wondering if I know anyone "normal" it was a decent read.
I also ran across an article about depression. Is it a chemical imbalance as we have been told. Or is that simply another way of softening the blow for those of us suffering from disorders.
(found your blog f/ Nytro)
I had an anthropology class on the history of mental disorders and behavioral culture. It was very interesting, thought provoking... much like the articles you found.
and for the record, depression IS a chemical imbalance. There is no other way for signals to get from point A to point B without the necessary neurotransmitters. However, social and psychological issues also impact these brain functions. Put them together and it creates havoc.
and don't worry about "normal". Normalcy is relative. IT's ALL relative.
I am so interested about your last post. It is like a car crash... I wanna see the ugliness! Anyway, I enjoy your blog, and read it daily! Keep writing...and cutting and pasting!
I just find it humorous when people refer to "normals" in their blogs.
Shannin - thanks for the compliment! I enjoy yours as well and will have to link it to my site if you dont mind?
don't mind at all....oops! was i supposed to ask before i linked yours and others...there i go, forgetting my manners again ;)
I dont think its a manners thing....if it is I forgot mine as well!
little miss: ugh, anthropology , I so much preferred the psych classes....
i dont think there is a thing such as "normal"....i do believe there is such a thing as a chemical imbalance in the brain, just as there are chemical imbalances in the pancreas that causes a person to become diabetic, thus, for both imbalances, medication is prescribed - for the mental disorder, usually SSRIs and/or anti-psychotic meds i.e., Zoloft, Prozac (antidepressants), Celexa, Seroquel, Abilify (anti-psychotics) and for the diabetic, usually some form of insulin.
i did get a chance to glance at the article and it is a good one. some food for thought.
p.s. i hope you dont mind that i added your blog to my list of 'cool links'
take care of yourself because there is only one YOU!
miz e
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