Monday, August 22, 2005

Mean and Nasty Bloggers

Im tired today. Cranky? Possibly. I would probably feel better if I were hooked up to a IV of espresso, but here I sit in the office trapped without my drugs. Cranky will likely win me over today.

So in my crankiness I'm gonna bitch. If you want to hear it fine, read about it and leave a comment....if not, get off my blog.

Maybe it's just my mood today that brings this issue to my attention, but its there regardless and here you are to hear about it. I love to read blogs, I love to comment on others and I love to have visitors. Recently someone wrote that my blog was something of a "cut-and-paste" nature. Apparently, they havent read much of it, but whatever. So I visit their blog wondering what intelligent being has written such detrimental things and hurt my feelings. (insert whine here)

As I read the blog, which has alot of visitors, fans, whatever.....I wonder. How is making fun of someone, putting personal information on the web about other peoples lives more intelligent than cut and paste? The negativity, the nastiness portrayed by several blogs on a regular basis is the thing that keeps people coming back apparently. I dont get it. Even if it is meant as a joke it makes no sense. And certainly isnt ranking of anything I would consider intelligent.


Blogger Action Randall said...

I only make fun of myself. That's the true way to keep people interested. :)

6:26 AM  
Blogger Gigglezngrinz said...

That is one hot pic of harleywriter eh? : )

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't realise there were any rules with blogs, do what you want and get on with it.There's an audience for everyone but I prefer the ones who just vent and don't give a rip about a fan club...

5:50 PM  
Blogger Gigglezngrinz said...

Im in agreement with you distant....and am happy to see you back. Your vacation interrupted my daily

9:27 AM  
Blogger mizeeyore said...

i'm one of those folks distant mentioned...i personally give less than a rat's ass about a "fan club" -- my attitude is this - you either like it or dont. PERIOD. i even put in my header if this shit's too raw for your taste, move on.

*ahem* i feel better now and you keep on bloggin like you're doin and i do enjoy reading it!

miz e

11:45 AM  

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