Monday, August 29, 2005

Dumb and Dumber

Most of the friends that my kids have call me mom. They hang out at my house, I cook for them, sometimes even wash their clothes. I've taken them to sporting events, camping, church, you name it. I understand that this term in no way reflects on their own mother. It's just a nice way for them to say thanks for caring about me.

My ex on the other hand isnt real dad like. He takes kids on weekends, but it's not to do anything with them, its more or less to pop their butts in front of a television so he wont be bothered as his sports are on tv.

It wasnt always this way, just after he got married again. Suddenly trips to the park and other niceties were no longer necessary. The old hag he's married likely cant sit outside for long without risk of heart failure or stroke. Either way, very little effort is made to entertain or bond with the kids.

My 17 year old was a little offended this last weekend when her step-mother of one year asked her to start calling her mom.

The conversation started with my ex whining about how all of her friends call me mom, but nobody refers to him as dad. Nevermind that her friends dont really want to be around him much (he HITS on them) and nevermind that his new wife doesnt want her friends around because he pays too much (creepy and awkward) attention to them. I would be a bit creeped out too, but not by the child by him! A 50 some year old woman playing "Im jealous of your friends" with a teenager is just beyond my comprehension.

If you dont make a child feel at home, how can you expect them to refer to you in a loving term? And if the child DID feel that way, why wouldnt they come to the adult and say "Would you mind if I called you mom?"

Never once have I approached a child and said somthing so stupid. Never once would I ask Mr Live In's kids to call me mom, although one refers to me as his second mom.

The ex has a nice way of irritating me. He will do something stupid (like the time he and new wife decided to take my girls and give them hair cuts) that will really send me over the edge. Im learning not to react to least not for now.

I'm sure I will get in a testy mood about something and get an overwhelming urge to ttell him how stupid they both are. He and I have had this discussion several times, so perhaps it is her trying to drive the wedge, I dont know. I know if I call him and inform him that I have decided that Mr Live in will now be referred to as dad he will get the point.

It could simply be her retaliating because my daughter said to her "My grandma says my dad is still in love with my mom." She was really upset with that comment. Of course the ex denied it but when I asked him about the conversation and asked him point blank if it was true he simply said "No comment." I told him he couldnt possibly hurt my feelings and to know that he no longer loved me wouldnt bother me in the least. Again he said "No comment" He refused to say either way. not that I care, it was just an odd statement that left me wondering what the hell could be going on in his head. Any ideas? Oh, he also mentioned he and I going dancing together when his wife wasnt around. Nice guy eh?


Blogger Gigglezngrinz said...

Im happy to be rid of mine as was exhausting sharing a brain.

3:26 PM  

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