Idiots Annoy Me
I gotta wonder why they pay the bookkeeper at my ex's job. She's stupid, continuously has to me reminded to take child support form his checks. I would like to shoot her. Better yet take her job.
I did payroll for over ten years.....and long before computers made it so simple a monkey could do it. It's just not the imposition she likes to pretend that it is. I've come to the conclusion that she's a fuck-tard. You take it out, you send it in. Process accomplished. Not her. She's too stupid. For two months I heard about their new payroll system, and Mr. Ex, after repeated bitching from me, finally took out a $1,400 loan from his employer to make up for her "forgetfulness." That was last month....for over two months of child support. New month!! I was hoping for at least some memory of hers to kick in and since she has to deduct for the loan wouldn't that be some kind of reminder that the current month needs to be taken out as well???? No, not her. I hope that some day she is in my position, and can comprehend the importance of timely payments.
All this hassle generally requires a call to Mr. Ex. I can't say that I'm fond of calling him, that would be why I filed for divorce. He's remarried, and to a total wench I might add.
I encourage this union, all but insisted on it. It keeps him from his whoring ways, at least in front of my children. Plus, he no longer parks his ass on my couch while moving from motel to motel being a dink. So I tolerate her.
Except the one time that I was so pissed I called her and told her she was married to Chester the Child Molester. Not that she believed me, but it's true.
All the more reason that prick should make sure the bookkeeper keeps her head from being stuck up her ass. I get mad, I blab.....he would know that if he ever knew me.
I did payroll for over ten years.....and long before computers made it so simple a monkey could do it. It's just not the imposition she likes to pretend that it is. I've come to the conclusion that she's a fuck-tard. You take it out, you send it in. Process accomplished. Not her. She's too stupid. For two months I heard about their new payroll system, and Mr. Ex, after repeated bitching from me, finally took out a $1,400 loan from his employer to make up for her "forgetfulness." That was last month....for over two months of child support. New month!! I was hoping for at least some memory of hers to kick in and since she has to deduct for the loan wouldn't that be some kind of reminder that the current month needs to be taken out as well???? No, not her. I hope that some day she is in my position, and can comprehend the importance of timely payments.
All this hassle generally requires a call to Mr. Ex. I can't say that I'm fond of calling him, that would be why I filed for divorce. He's remarried, and to a total wench I might add.
I encourage this union, all but insisted on it. It keeps him from his whoring ways, at least in front of my children. Plus, he no longer parks his ass on my couch while moving from motel to motel being a dink. So I tolerate her.
Except the one time that I was so pissed I called her and told her she was married to Chester the Child Molester. Not that she believed me, but it's true.
All the more reason that prick should make sure the bookkeeper keeps her head from being stuck up her ass. I get mad, I blab.....he would know that if he ever knew me.
My ex went to work and told them to stop taking out child support, and THEY DID!!!
i'm with you! idjits make me sick too!
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