Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Good Things After the Bad

Each day has something to cherish, something positive. Some days you have to really look closely to find it, others it stares you in the face - or like today.....it calls you on the phone at work.

One of my best friends from high school will turn 40 in February. I know this because her brother called me to invite me to her bash.

There were three of us in high school. We did everything together. It wasnt until after high school that her and I became really close. After her and I had our first children at the same time. We did alot together after that, she was like a sister to me. Everytime hubby at the time left town, she would come and stay with me. We made Christmas goodies together. Lots of memories. She moved away and got married and had more kids. I had more kids and we vacationed together a few times. I got divorced and that all stopped, but she did come to visit a few months ago and we had dinner together and shared memories.

Her brother was one of my good friends in school as well, it was kinda like a little family. He called today, wanting to fly me and the other friend in for her birthday. We will all be together again, I am psyched.

It is going to be a surprise. The biggest surprise and secret is this. I cant tell anyone but my bog friends, and I gotta unload this information NOW!

In high school my friend had a crush on a famous actor. (Names are being omitted at the moment to protect any invasion of this private info). This actor will be flown in to this bash to read all of the imbarassing memories we will be submitting. Im glad it wasnt anyone I thought was all that, although he was quite hot at the time and alot of my friends had his posters plastered on their walls.

Im going to get busy with my reporting. I have alot on this chick and cant wait to see the look on her face when he reads it all off to her. There will be photos friends. This event will be in February. STAY TUNED


Blogger Marie said...

I am so glad you found something to look forward to! We could always use something positive to lift our spirits.

Being afflicted with mental illness sucks; every time something good happens in one of our lives it is cause to celebrate!

Please take care

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! We can play guess the celeb for a few months. My guess is "Ricky Schroder" from Silver Spoons.

Oh, and I won the NaNoWriMo.org contest so I can now resume my semi-daily blogging activities! Consider yourself warned...

2:00 AM  
Blogger Gigglezngrinz said...

CONGRATS SQUID!!!! And thanks for the warning.....

It's not Ricky Schroder.....blech.

HINT: He was short, dark, and handsome. ; )

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:20 PM  
Blogger Gigglezngrinz said...

LOL - Jeeze Squid, only you could have come up with that one. Not quite, although he was kinda sexy....in a pedophiliac way. Ugh

3:22 PM  
Blogger Maggs said...

What cho talkin' bout, Willis?

9:16 PM  
Blogger dan said...

That's the exact reason we have friends.

To lift us up when we're down, to keep us grounded when we're up...

And to embarrass the hell out of us when we get full of ourselves. ;)

10:20 PM  
Blogger jane said...

oh my gosh, this sounds like it's going to be an absolute blast!! I cannot wait to read how everything went & mostly about your reunion. But I can't lie, I want to hear about her reaction to this star being there & reading her most embarassing moments. Way cool!

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arnold Drummond was too obvious...

WEBSTER is a bit more obscure.

11:46 PM  
Blogger Nicole said...

You have to tell us who it was after the reunion!!!! How can I get my favorite former teen star to come visit me???

7:44 AM  
Blogger Gigglezngrinz said...


i cant imagine Ralph Maccchio or Steve Perry coming to my 40th. i wouldnt be impressed. I would be alot more psyched if it were my current crush - ie, Vin Diesel. I think I will tell him he was wrong and Vin is her man. (sigh, wishful thinking anyway)

10:26 AM  
Blogger Gigglezngrinz said...


yea, she is obviously loved alot. I cant imagine my brother buying me a gift....much less throwing a bash that cost the price of a small wedding.

10:27 AM  
Blogger Gigglezngrinz said...

Jane, I will have photos.....I hope this guy shows up in his television uniform.

Squid - todays hint.

10:29 AM  
Blogger mizeeyore said...

wow! sounds like good times will be had by all! and a handsome actor coming just adds the icing to the cake (bad pun, sorry lol)

do take lots of pics and have yourself a ball! you deserve it!

9:38 PM  

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