Stupid Boyfriends & Stupid Criminals
My daughter's boyfriend is not the brightest crayon in the box. She has dated him for over two years now and the longer this relationship goes on, the more I wonder about her future with him. It's scary.
When he was 17 he couldnt get along with his step dad (mostly because he refused to let him be a bum and made him go to church). Yea, he was hard on him, but those were the last of his moments of any type or responsibility. His mother helped him get into an apartment as he worked full time and was finishing up his last year in high school. He would buy my daughter elaborate gifts regularly. I think the most elaborate being a $300 cell phone...alond with a plan that cost him around $100 a month. Needless to say within a few months both his apartment and the cell phones were gone. (Along with his mothers credit as a co-signer).
He was homeless. I tried talking him in to going back home, swallowing his pride and following the rules of his parents home. He refused. He changed jobs repeatedly over the next year. Floating from house to house, my daughter would help him by washing his clothes and since I felt a little sorry for him myself, he ate with us pretty regularly. He bounced from house to house because nobody could squeeze money out of him for rent. It was a no brainer, some of those places were pretty cheap, but still he refused to contribute and dodged the landlords until his stuff was once again on the curb.
His mean step father got a loan for him to get a car. During his roughest periods I would find him outside in the winter, huddled under a blanket in his car in below zero temperatures and invite him on to the couch. I guess I was hoping that if one of my children were ever in that predicament that someone would take pity on them and help them out. He continued to bounce from job to job and I grew more and more frustrated by his irresponsibility.
A few months ago he and a friend decided to move in together. They found the most elaborate apartment they could find...complete with swimming pool, jaccuzzi, weight room, even a mini put-put course. The rent was elaborate as well, but you cant seem to tell a teenager anything, they already know it all. After his friend put down the deposit and the majority of the first months rent, they were in. Soon after dumb boyfriend, after wrecking his car several times (mostly into power poles and cement barriers) he no longer was impressed with these wheels. It broke down. He parked it in a grocery store parking lot and left it there. I repeatedly told him to have it towed before and impound lot was called, but he was too busy doing nothing to bother. His roommate decided to rescue him and buy another car for him. Unbeknownst to anyone else, stupid roommate took out a car title loan on his own vehicle and gave stupid boyfriend the money. Stupid boyfriend purchased a junk vehicle with no working taillights and proceeded to get himself into more trouble by driving it at night, apparently not needing taillights or insurance. Stupid boyfriend was also still paying for the original loan on junker number 1.
By the time rent was due again, they were served with an eviction notice instead. At the same time the car title loan was not paid, so stupid roommate lost his vehicle. Within days, juker two broke down and was not driveable. It currently still sits in a church parking lot awating impound.
Junker one recently disappeared. We assumed that since the loan on it hadnt been paid and it had been abandoned, either the bank found it and re-poed it or an impound lot got its hands on it. Stupid boyfriend was now homeless and had no car-home either. Stupid daughter thought mom would rescue stupid boyfriend again, but instead mean mom directed the idiot to the homeless shelter. My empathy had officially ended. Stupid boyfriend decided that rather that crawl home to his parents he would simply not turn in the keys to the apartment and stay there with nothing but a floor to sleep on while racking up more charges in rent.
My daughter was driving home a few nights ago and took a wrong turn. In a neighbors driveway sat stupid boyfriends car. She stopped and stared, counting the dents and broken windows to be sure it was his. The numbers matched. She was instructed to call the police and take stupid with her over there to identify the car and find out why it was there.
The police escorted the two of them over to the neighbors house. He had gotten the car from his friend Steve. Steve had shown him a bill of sale and was offering to sell him the car. The police objected when they ran the vin number and it belong to stupid boyfriend. They were instructed to move their other car so the police could push the vehicle around the corner to my house. Mean step dad wanted charges pressed for theft.
The police contacted Steve. His lame ass story was that he had stopped to help someone who was working on the car. The person had no idea what was wrong with the car, so Steve offered him $10 since he wanted some parts off of it. It was sold. A done deal. Steve towed it away to his house and then over to a friends. When asked what the seller looked like, Steve responded, "Average height, average weight" and that appeased our police department. It still didnt raise any suspicions that Steve had 8-10 other vehicles in his posession junked out for parts.
My guess is that someone was having an unlucky day or that the good Lord finally showed some mercy to stupid boyfriend. My sneaky hunch is that these morons were planning to part the car out and junk it. Too bad for them that they chose to do so a block from my house. The police said there will be nothing we can do about it if Steve sticks to his story. They know he's lying, but cannot prove otherwise. Do these people not watch CSI????? I'm starting to think that show is total bullshit. The police department around here cannot solve shit the way that they do. Or even solve shit at all.
When he was 17 he couldnt get along with his step dad (mostly because he refused to let him be a bum and made him go to church). Yea, he was hard on him, but those were the last of his moments of any type or responsibility. His mother helped him get into an apartment as he worked full time and was finishing up his last year in high school. He would buy my daughter elaborate gifts regularly. I think the most elaborate being a $300 cell phone...alond with a plan that cost him around $100 a month. Needless to say within a few months both his apartment and the cell phones were gone. (Along with his mothers credit as a co-signer).
He was homeless. I tried talking him in to going back home, swallowing his pride and following the rules of his parents home. He refused. He changed jobs repeatedly over the next year. Floating from house to house, my daughter would help him by washing his clothes and since I felt a little sorry for him myself, he ate with us pretty regularly. He bounced from house to house because nobody could squeeze money out of him for rent. It was a no brainer, some of those places were pretty cheap, but still he refused to contribute and dodged the landlords until his stuff was once again on the curb.
His mean step father got a loan for him to get a car. During his roughest periods I would find him outside in the winter, huddled under a blanket in his car in below zero temperatures and invite him on to the couch. I guess I was hoping that if one of my children were ever in that predicament that someone would take pity on them and help them out. He continued to bounce from job to job and I grew more and more frustrated by his irresponsibility.
A few months ago he and a friend decided to move in together. They found the most elaborate apartment they could find...complete with swimming pool, jaccuzzi, weight room, even a mini put-put course. The rent was elaborate as well, but you cant seem to tell a teenager anything, they already know it all. After his friend put down the deposit and the majority of the first months rent, they were in. Soon after dumb boyfriend, after wrecking his car several times (mostly into power poles and cement barriers) he no longer was impressed with these wheels. It broke down. He parked it in a grocery store parking lot and left it there. I repeatedly told him to have it towed before and impound lot was called, but he was too busy doing nothing to bother. His roommate decided to rescue him and buy another car for him. Unbeknownst to anyone else, stupid roommate took out a car title loan on his own vehicle and gave stupid boyfriend the money. Stupid boyfriend purchased a junk vehicle with no working taillights and proceeded to get himself into more trouble by driving it at night, apparently not needing taillights or insurance. Stupid boyfriend was also still paying for the original loan on junker number 1.
By the time rent was due again, they were served with an eviction notice instead. At the same time the car title loan was not paid, so stupid roommate lost his vehicle. Within days, juker two broke down and was not driveable. It currently still sits in a church parking lot awating impound.
Junker one recently disappeared. We assumed that since the loan on it hadnt been paid and it had been abandoned, either the bank found it and re-poed it or an impound lot got its hands on it. Stupid boyfriend was now homeless and had no car-home either. Stupid daughter thought mom would rescue stupid boyfriend again, but instead mean mom directed the idiot to the homeless shelter. My empathy had officially ended. Stupid boyfriend decided that rather that crawl home to his parents he would simply not turn in the keys to the apartment and stay there with nothing but a floor to sleep on while racking up more charges in rent.
My daughter was driving home a few nights ago and took a wrong turn. In a neighbors driveway sat stupid boyfriends car. She stopped and stared, counting the dents and broken windows to be sure it was his. The numbers matched. She was instructed to call the police and take stupid with her over there to identify the car and find out why it was there.
The police escorted the two of them over to the neighbors house. He had gotten the car from his friend Steve. Steve had shown him a bill of sale and was offering to sell him the car. The police objected when they ran the vin number and it belong to stupid boyfriend. They were instructed to move their other car so the police could push the vehicle around the corner to my house. Mean step dad wanted charges pressed for theft.
The police contacted Steve. His lame ass story was that he had stopped to help someone who was working on the car. The person had no idea what was wrong with the car, so Steve offered him $10 since he wanted some parts off of it. It was sold. A done deal. Steve towed it away to his house and then over to a friends. When asked what the seller looked like, Steve responded, "Average height, average weight" and that appeased our police department. It still didnt raise any suspicions that Steve had 8-10 other vehicles in his posession junked out for parts.
My guess is that someone was having an unlucky day or that the good Lord finally showed some mercy to stupid boyfriend. My sneaky hunch is that these morons were planning to part the car out and junk it. Too bad for them that they chose to do so a block from my house. The police said there will be nothing we can do about it if Steve sticks to his story. They know he's lying, but cannot prove otherwise. Do these people not watch CSI????? I'm starting to think that show is total bullshit. The police department around here cannot solve shit the way that they do. Or even solve shit at all.
Why would they bother wasting their time investigating when the r.o. won't even tell them the truth.
I dont' think this boy has bad luck, I think, like you, he is lazy and is relying other the kindness of others to feed clothe and house him instead of standing on his own two feet.
His step dad did the right thing. This guy is a user.
Sounds to me like Stupid Boyfriend and Mr. Live In need to get to steppin'!!!!!
yikes...this is too close for comfort for me!
i'm in a similar 18 year-old daughter (who btw is a Virgo like you *smile*) has a boyfriend who periodically stays with us because his moms put him out and has a restraining order on him. like you, i felt sorry for the kid, and told him he could lay his head here and so far, it's been ok...but when his homies started following him over here to my crib and taking up space and literally eating me out of house and home, AND rolling joints in my house, well, they had to GO. i had warned one of Boyfriend's homies NOT TO BRING THAT SHIT IN MY HOUSE...i warned his ass 3x...after that, the jig was up and i told them they had to bounce, and were NOT welcome in my house no more. Boyfriend straightened up his act, because he knows he will be in the street too if he crosses me.
i cant say nothing because as i said my situation is a lot like yours...only thing i can offer is prayers and thoughts to you hon, and ask the same of you for me.
ya know...before i started on these fuckin' meds, i would not have had a problem screeching at the top of my lungs and saying "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE" and commence to throwing shit everywhere, but since i've been on 'em, i've lost my bitch-gene.....
Sounds to me like instead of a Mobile Home, he has a Mobile Studio Apartment...
I'm sure someday, he'll be a darn fine son-in-law, providing you with the best grandkiddos ever! Until then, you have my sympathies...
Having responsibility is one way to show you care. If he loved your daughter he'd be a man and at least get a freaking apartment and a full-time job.
Sounds like someone's living in lala land. I've known a few like that. Who knows? Maybe he'll be an upstanding citizen someday. After a few years in a jail cell.
I think this is one of the most fascinating stories I have read and makes me feel better about myself just knowing that my vehicle has all its windows.
It may be a shot gun wedding - although instead of a pregnant bride we would have a dead groom.
He shows he cares by paying her cell phone bill while it he sleeps in his car. Isnt that sweet. (ugh)
Inner Fonzie -
Pricess is right....they could room together as Mr Live in has all of his windows as well.
I was in the same situation, except it was a girlfriend that i had that was a total loser, she would stay with me all the time, I had to sneak her into my fathers house every night and out every morning. She did retarted stuff very similar to stupid boyfriend. She was always doing drugs, and since she had no money she took mine to buy them. It took forever to finally dump her, but then again she is now in med school...... of coarse my mother is paying for it, and her house, and her car....
She should dump him like a bad habit! He sounds like dead weight to me.
Your luck my daughter has one of those "stupid-ASS boyfriends" and when she turned 18 she moved out with him. Now they're both jumping from house to house homeless. They ve been gone 2 months now and I'm at my witts end. I think I may have to kid nap her and move her to another state.
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