We had a rough night in our household last night. The two youngest have been at each others throats for months. They used to be like two peas in a pod, but the older one went into junior high this year and you would think that her sister is the spawn of satan now. They cant be near each other without the rest of the room feeling the tension......and last night literally feeling it.
They sat quietly playing a game. I crawled into bed after threatening their lives if they continued any more of their earlier bickering. Within 15 minutes I heard blood curdling screams and thumps and the oldest child interrupted the fight that turned into a physical boxing match. Both were crying, both were hurt and both were sent to bed in separate rooms and grounded from all of their life's enjoyments.
The middle child likes to write. She's natured alot like me, she likes to hold her thoughts, emotions close to herself. But she likes to get them out of her brain by writing them on paper. The note I found really bothered me....still bothers me. Scrawled all over the paper was "I hate me. I am the ugliest thing in the world. I am ugly and smell funny. I am ugly and unwanted. I am ugly and hairy. I am ugly and friendless. I am ugly. I wish I could start over."
She has always been adorable. People have always commented to me and to her how adorable she is. And she's talented. She can write stories, and writes them well. She loves sports, and last year was involved in every opportunity to be involved in every school function and program possible. We ran ourself ragged accommodating these things. She played the violyn, soccer, volleyball...and was very competitive and good at all of them. Middle school was a little different. She joined cross country and quit. She doesnt hang out with any of the kids that she participated in all of these activities with anymore. And for craps sake, she seems to even hate herself now.
I have not had the oppotunity to talk to her about the note. I kept it for reference for our conversation. Ever since PMS kicked in she has been one moodly child. But her lack of self esteem lately really bothers me. She's a gorgeous child and doesnt even recognize it. Worse yet, I didnt know she had these feelings. No one would by being around her.
Anyone have any advice for how to perk up the self esteem of someone who has no reason to hate herslef in the first place?