I look forward to every weekend. I dont know why, since they arent really all they are cracked up to be. I mean, rarely does anything happen that is wonderful.....apparently left to my own doings and schedule, things turn to shit.
My daughters shoes were stolen from the skating rink. These suckers were expensive, they were important to her for that reason.....her first expensive piece of clothing. I dont know how parents can not notice that extra pair of shoes their kid happened to be wearing Saturday morning, but my children informed me that alot of parents dont care. Dont care if their kids are brazen thieves? My kids often tell me that I am utterly clueless, and in that regard I guess I am. I cant imagine being THAT parent. Anyway, it was her only pair of tennis shoes, so she left the skating rink in her socks......crying hysterically. I'm considering planting my ass at the rink and stealing them back if they reappear. Not likely to happen, but there is no other way for me to replace them.
I am thrilled to announce that the teenager has gotten a job!!! Finally, after about three months of unemployment, shes working again!!! She took a job at a fast food place, only out of fear of losing her car. She's incredibly prissy.....afraid or disgusted by dirty hands, dirty clothing, clothing stains....so taking a job where she might have to touch other peoples dirty trays was a little humourous to me. I'm just praying she sticks with it for awhile. Its difficult as a teen to even find a job, much less finding a job every few months.
The middle child was found to be writing a letter to the daughter of my former fiancee. You know, the one who I moved 2,000 miles to marry and ended up instead living in the gutters of Baltimore? Yea, that one. I'm not sure what to think about it. We only lived there for about 9 months. But I started thinking.....overthinking rather. Is it because Mr Live in and I arent married that she is less fascinated with our situation? I mean, if he and I were to marry, would that somehow form more of a security for her? Of course, these are questions I cant ask her. She would simply tell me whatever she thought I wanted to hear. Or if she feared hurting my feelings, she either wouldnt remember or would refuse to say. I guess I just didnt understand why after 3 years she would be writing to her. The kids did sort of eventually fall in love with each other.....after the parents fell out. Maybe it was just because kids want security...they want family. She did love that there were "family dinners" .... at the time I questioned why since they treated us like anything BUT family.
I've been questioning my parenting alot lately. Im thankful for the parents that I had, and I often feel guilty that my kids are forced to have less. I hate it, but I cant change it. I feel like a shitty mom because I dont like to cook, I dont like to clean. The house is either in total disarray or its really clean....rarely is there an in between. We eat whatever we throw together. Nothing like the meals a mom should cook. I do help with homework whenever possible and I do take time off rom work, vacation days, to attend at least one field trip with the kids every year. I guess lately I havent been feeling like much of a mom. I still want someone to cook MY meals and wash MY clothes. Not that that has happened in the last 20 years, but I still want it. Ive even fantasized about the maid\cook thing. Yes, I do need one!!! Can I afford one? Yea, sure. I'm also not providing them with a "together" family. I mean, there are otheres there that we call family.....but isnt it odd that mom wont commit to this???? Am I sending them a signal that he is only allowed partial family rights? I guess my brain has just been stuck on this "I suck as a parent" mantra. I dont want to find out years from now that IM the reason my kids need therapy.